Friday, May 29, 2009

New Friday Podcast From The Farm!

CLICK - HEAR Listen to the new podcast from Dunn Creek Farm

Hello again!

Sorry I haven't been adding new entries this week. I've been pretty busy! There is so much to do in the spring. But I did manage to record and produce a new podcast from the farm.

I want to offer a special welcome to the blog if you've been listening to the weekly podcast on The Homecast Show.

A Few Notes:

I always try to keep the podcast time at about 5:00 minutes. But sometimes that means making a few short cuts in my story. I had planned to do more to explain how / why we decided to move to Prince Edward Island. But I only spent a minute with Tom Rath on Anne of Green Gables and didn't really finish the story.

Anne is the heroine of Lucy Maud Montgomery's series of novels about life on PEI. It was those stories which brought PEI to the attention of my wife, Susan. She came to visit "Annes Land" and that was what made her want to come back and find a little place on the island to call her own. I've never read the books but they changed my destiny and brought me here!
I'm sure we will revisit Anne and her part in our story another day.


We're offering fresh, local PEI organic asparagus for $4.00 a pound. Quantities are limited but the plants are just now getting active so we will have more for you in the next few weeks! Just stop in or call ahead and I'll put an order together for you.

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