Friday, July 17, 2009

New Friday Podcast From The Farm

CLICK - HEAR Today's podcast from the farm.

Niece Barbara on the tractor

Coming home on the Ferry from Nova Scotia

Wood Islands, PEI

CLICK - HEAR Today's podcast from the farm.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Family Farm

Photo Update From Dunn Creek Farm ~

Robin Hood says, "Good Morning"

This week we made hay while the sun was shining and my brother Peter lent a hand with a pitchfork. Our old manure spreader doubled as a hay wagon. We loaded up the wagon and headed for the barn. Since we don't have a hay baler, we put the hay up loose. Using a hay fork I pitched the hay from the wagon on the barn floor to the hay loft above.

We visited Orwell Historic Village and I stopped in at the blacksmith shop to sharpen my Buck knife.

We visited the one room school house at Orwell. The leather strap on the desk made it clear that teachers could deliver swift justice. And in this school, your teacher might be 17 years old.

Free kittens in the stock barn. Dad had to be a big meanie and say no to another cat. They were really cute though.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Podcast

CLICK -HEAR today's podcast from Dunn Creek Farm

Pictures and text will be added tonight...please check back soon.
I'm out planting beans before the rain comes!